Monday, September 20, 2010


Singer/Dancer from Korea, BoA...I love her songs and videos, and when I came across this one, I realized that she's pretty much wearing a corset in this video, and still looks AWESOME dancing! If only I could look half that good even without my brace... :)
Enjoy the random video!
BoA Energetic

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Keeping It Secret

Once again, Colee asked a great question that should be answered for everyone: How do you explain your brace to someone who hugs you and (usually VERY loudly) says "WHAT'S THAT?" (It's kind of funny how it happens exactly the same way every time. Their eyes get wide, they cock their heads to one side, they start to poke your brace, and then say it.)
Trust me, I've had to deal with this a lot. And it's usually been in a room filled with people that I don't want to know about my brace.
So, what do you do? I usually just shake my head and say "I'll tell you later," quietly. They'll get the message from your expression and tone of voice and nod and leave you alone. But after class or wherever it happened I pull them aside and say, "It's a back brace I have to wear for a while. I didn't tell you in there because I don't really want a lot of people to know. So could you please not tell anyone?"
Most people will apologize and not bring it up again. But then there are the people who think it's cool that you get to wear a plastic corset all the time, and they'll drum on it, or poke you, or say things like "Hey come feel Ava's rock hard abs...haha...plastic hard!" and totally put you in an awful situation. With these kind of people, you have to make it very clear that scoliosis is not some fun, easy thing, and they're offending you.
I'd like to say that after 2 years of wearing a back brace everywhere (I wear it 8 hours a day now), no one knew about it except my friends, family, and people that asked because of hugging, etc. It did not become a widely known fact around school, which was my goal.
One thing to remember when people ask you endless questions about your brace is that they just don't know. They're probably not trying to be mean or nosy, they're just curious and ignorant about it. I found that you have to kind of treat them like kindergarteners, you know? Always asking questions. And you have to be the kind, patient adult that explains everything in a simple way. :)