Sunday, November 7, 2010

Good News!

     A few days ago, I went in to my doctor for my four-month check-up like usual. I had been wearing my brace 8 hours a day (so I just slept in it). My back had been really sore lately, so I was expecting to be told I would have to wear the brace full time again. 
     But instead, he told me that I was done with the brace. For good.
     So, I'm out of my brace!!!!! I got it a month before 8th grade, and got it off four months into 10th grade. That's about two years with a scoliosis back brace. When I got the news, I just couldn't stop smiling.
     It's been hard. I've cried a lot and I've gotten angry, but I've also smiled and been thankful. I believe that God only puts us in situations that we have the strength to handle. And I have proven to myself that I have the strength to handle scoliosis and all that comes with it.  Here are a few things I've learned and would like to pass on to you:
     1.) Walk with confidence. You are you, and if anyone has a problem with that, well, screw them. They can just deal with it, can't they? ;)
     2.) Listen to people when they tell you about their problems. Relate them to yours. You'll understand them better.
     3.) Let scoliosis make you better. Kind of an oxymoron, but if you let it bring you down, it's not your back that's failed you, it's your heart.
     4.) Learn to appreciate hugging people. And dancing like a lunatic. And simply standing up. 
     5.) Don't hold yourself in. Don't let emotions build up inside of you. If you are feeling bad, talk to someone. Find that one best friend (of group of friends) that you know will listen, and at least try to understand. 

     I will keep posting on this blog, because scoliosis is still a part of me. And just because I love doing it. If you ever want to talk, please email me! I would LOVE to hear from you!!
