I recently went in to my doctor for a check-up for my back, and the nurse called me back before it was my turn. She told me that there was another girl there that had just gotten the news that she would have to wear a back brace, like me. They wanted me to show her my brace and tell her a little about my experience.
Well, when I entered the room, I saw a scared, crying, 12-year-old girl huddled between her parents. I took a deep breath, sat down, and introduced myself. As soon as I started talking, though, I was crying, too. Just seeing someone like me, who is going through what I have gone through, made me emotional. I told her that at first, scoliosis is the end of the world. I told her that because I know when I first got my brace, I did NOT want to have the "it could be worse, so be thankful" speech. In the beginning, scoliosis and back braces and curved spines and being different is the worst thing possible. Because you never thought it would be you. But as time goes on, it gets better. I told her that in all honesty, scoliosis is a blessing in disguise, and you do grow stronger because of it. Before I got my brace, I wore t-shirts and shorts everywhere I went. But after I started figuring out what I could and couldn't wear, I got really interested in fashion, make-up, etc., and now I'm considering a career in fashion. I told her it would be hard and frustrating, but that i knew she would be strong enough to get through it.
So, for all of you with scoliosis, make the most of it! Fight back! Do not let it get the best of you. Think of it as a competition: So scoliosis won't let you wear a certain outfit you really wanted? Bounce back with something better. I have recently become addicted to fashion blogs, and every time I see something I like, I copy it to a Word document to look at when I need inspiration. (The document is 25 pages long, and still growing...)
This is amazing inspiration :) You are absolutely wonderful :D Keep going with everything you are doing. xxxScoliosisgirlxxx
I've wore a back brace from the age of seven till i was about 15 (Now being 17). I had to wear it 23 hours a day to which i did try to most days. I had hard times especially in the summer where i was so hot in that brace but evetually the more i wore it the less pain it caused as my body shape fit with it more. When i look back on wearing the brace i can now see how much it really helped my back and it didn't majorly influence my life. Yes i had to wear baggy clothes to cover it and was embarrassed of it hoping noone would see but it's really not that bad when you get used to it. Sometimes i would of rather wore it as it held me up and give me good posture. Not only that but i now have a tiny hourglass waist from wearing it all the time and sweating in it etc haha. So now i'm just grateful i wore it. :) Sometimes i did forget that there's other people out there too that have it and once i realised it wasn't just me it also made me feel alot better.
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