Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Winter Weather

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! And luckily, wearing oversize sweaters with leggings and boots is in! Big sweaters easily hide all the problem areas, and leggings are stretchy and comfy. Add some cool combat or riding boots, a statement necklace and bag, and no one will ever guess you're anything but fabulous.

I love that last J Crew-ish look with a button down shirt underneath and jeans.

Hope this gives you some inspiration for winter looks! As always, I LOVE hearing from you, so email me anytime! Also, if you'd like to send me a picture of your outfits, I'd love to see what you come up with!

Email change!

Hi guys, I'd like to apologize if you have emailed me since my last post and I haven't responded- I got locked out of my email, and when I just now got back in, it had wiped all my mail. That really upset me because I lost all the wonderful stories you guys had sent me, and that meant so much to me. So I am SO sorry if I didn't respond to you, it's because it got deleted!

So, If you would like to email me, you can still use mcbxq43@aol.com now. Sorry!!
