Tuesday, August 19, 2008


LEFT-This jacket's from Charlotte Russe, so is the skirt. You can get tank tops anywhere. The hood on the jacket covers up the part of my brace that sticks out at the top. The skirt is loose, so it doesn't give away the bottom of my brace. RIGHT- A close up of the necklace. It draws attention upward, and it's cute, too!

LEFT- A cute, colorful necklace.
The jacket is white, so it goes with everything. RIGHT: A necklace that goes with the next outfit.

LEFT- Bracelets are a fun accessory! (from 5-7-9)
RIGHT- If you prefer darker colors, this is for you. The jacket and the skirt are from Charlotte Russe. The skirt is tiered, which is good. Socks from 5-7-9.

LEFT: This shirt (Wal-mart) is good because is goes out at the bottom, and the gathered part at the top makes you look up, toward your face.
RIGHT: See? You can still wear some shirts with spaghetti straps!

LEFT: The solid black part
covers the top of my brace.
RIGHT: This green shirt from Aeropostale has designs at the top, and a flair at the bottom. Cute! The bermuda shorts are two sizes bigger that I would usually get, but they fit well over my brace and don't look big.

LEFT: The skirt has a belt
(you can't see it under the shirt) so that
helps hold it up. I had to get this a size or
two bigger, also.
RIGHT: This skirt from Dillard's is perfect. It's loose, colorful, cute and won't cling to the brace.

LEFT: Another loose, flowing skirt.
Good for any day.
RIGHT: This shirt (Dillard's) is gathered at the top, and has a fun design on the bottom. The shorts are fun, and fit over the brace (they are 2 sizes bigger than usual).
I hope these have helped you find a style that fits you (and your brace). All these pictures were taken with my brace on, they weren't just downloaded from another website, so you can be sure that you can look good wearing a back brace!!!!!!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

School Fashion

OK, so you've got fashion outside of school covered, but what if your school has uniforms? Mine does. I personally got lucky... I got my brace in the summer, and when I went back to school we had new uniforms. The girls shirts didn't have to be tucked in, which was amazing timing for me. But if your shirts do have to be tucked in, try this:
1. If you don't mind people at school knowing about your brace (or your brace can be seen plainly so people would find out anyway) ask the principal or counselor if you can be an exception to the tuck-in rule.
2. If you're refused, school sweatshirts can cover up your brace. If it's hot and you don't want to fry in a sweatshirt, remember that you want to draw attention to your face.
And if someone notices your brace, don't make a big deal about it. Just say, "It's just a brace I have to wear for a while. But I don't really want a lot of people to know about it, so could you please not tell anyone?" If you don't make a big deal about it, no one can. They can't make fun of someone who isn't affected by their teasing.
(P.S. I'm working on putting some pics up so you can see what clothes look like with a brace.)

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Fashion Help

** This post should help you find a style that fits your brace.**
OK, first of all, your style will probably change because of the brace. But this is a good chance to really branch out and try out different styles on yourself.
What you need to make sure and do is draw attention to your face. Buy things like headbands, barrettes, necklaces, etc. Also try some new hairstyles: ponytail, pigtails, braid(s), bun, two buns, clip up, side bangs, etc.

I have found that in order to get my pants/shorts over my brace I need to get them one or two sizes bigger, or get my regular size with elastic waist bands (those work wonders).
Skirts are my new fashion staple. I wear them all the time now. They help a lot, especially tiered ones. Most skirts 'poof out' if you know what I mean...they aren't just flat against your skin, so they make it less noticeable. you can get skirts like this everywhere.
Regular t-shirts work great. They aren't skin tight, but they aren't so big that it looks like you're trying to hide something.
My other fashion staple. My brace sticks out at the top of my back, so the hood covers that perfectly. Short sleeved jackets can be worn in the spring and summer. Just wear a simple bright colored tank top under your jacket (but over your brace) and unzip the jacket a little. You can't tell a thing! I wear short sleeved jackets with everything...I just throw on a tank top, jacket, and cute skirt, and I'm good to go.
Are perfect.
You can order cotton shirts that are made for scoliosis braces, but you'll need to talk to your doctor about that. You can also buy smooth spaghelli-strapped shirts (Dillard's) to go under your brace for when you want to wear sleeveless or spaghelli strapped shirts.
I've found that jeans with back pockets conceal the part of my brace that sticks out at the bottom, because they put another layer of fabric over it. Even with the brace, my jeans fit well. You won't have to get big, baggy jeans, don't worry! Your brace won't affect the legs of your jeans, just the top.