Saturday, August 16, 2008

School Fashion

OK, so you've got fashion outside of school covered, but what if your school has uniforms? Mine does. I personally got lucky... I got my brace in the summer, and when I went back to school we had new uniforms. The girls shirts didn't have to be tucked in, which was amazing timing for me. But if your shirts do have to be tucked in, try this:
1. If you don't mind people at school knowing about your brace (or your brace can be seen plainly so people would find out anyway) ask the principal or counselor if you can be an exception to the tuck-in rule.
2. If you're refused, school sweatshirts can cover up your brace. If it's hot and you don't want to fry in a sweatshirt, remember that you want to draw attention to your face.
And if someone notices your brace, don't make a big deal about it. Just say, "It's just a brace I have to wear for a while. But I don't really want a lot of people to know about it, so could you please not tell anyone?" If you don't make a big deal about it, no one can. They can't make fun of someone who isn't affected by their teasing.
(P.S. I'm working on putting some pics up so you can see what clothes look like with a brace.)

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